Iranian Couple who Asked for a Virginity Test for Their Daughter were Tried in Court
A court in London has opened a case for an Iranian couple who were accused of asking for a virginity test for their 18-year-old daughter. The couple is also accused of threatening the life of their daughter and her boyfriend and were planning on taking their daughter back to Iran for a forced marriage.
Mitra Eidiani and Ali Safaraei, parents of Sophia accidentally found out that their daughter is romantically involved with one of her colleagues. They then asked their doctor and asked for a virginity check, which was denied.
Sophia: I don’t want to be checked!
The doctor told the court: “The father entered my office angry and screaming, and told his daughter that he will kill her, and insisted that they have brought her in to be checked for virginity.”
When Sophia said she didn’t want to do it, the doctor denied their request.
According to the court transcript, after they got home from the doctor’s office, the mother beat her daughter furiously. Then the father went upstairs to them holding a knife and a pair of scissors.
Sophia, who was outside the courtroom talking to the jury from a screen, said: “My father was holding the kitchen knife, saying he should check me himself!”
Sophia said her parents asked her: “If you’re still a virgin, why don’t you prove it? What are you afraid of?”
Photos of Sophia were shown in court with bruises and markings on her body.
Sophia also said that her parents threatened her in the doctor’s office to tell the doctor that she was “raped” by her boyfriend.
The father: “I’ll kill your boyfriend!”
It was also mentioned that Sophia’s parents went to the boyfriend’s workplace and told him he should be afraid of them “because we’re Muslims and dangerous!”
Billy, Sophia’s boyfriend told the court that one day after the parents found out about them, they stopped him on his way: “Her father said do not come near my daughter. I don’t want you to talk to her or send her messages.”
Billy said Sophia’s father asked him: “How can my daughter be with someone like you anyway?”
Then Sophia’s mother had told him: “I’m a Muslim, my husband is a Muslim, and you have seen what kinds of things we do in the news, we are dangerous, be careful!”
They once again threatened to kill Billy.
After these events, on May 18th of 2018 Sophia goes to the police station and reports the events and shows them her bruises.
The parents have not accepted their charges, including the illegal supervision and death threats.
Her mother has denied hitting her, but she has accepted that she destroyed her daughter’s belongings, like her headphone.
Next court sessions will be in London.