US and Persian Gulf states sanction 25 entities tied to Iran’s Basij and Hezbollah
The US Treasury Department announced that Washington, along with six other Persian Gulf states, has sanctioned 25 companies, banks, and individuals involved with Iran’s support of militia networks including Hezbollah.
The sanctions were designed by Treasury and Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC) whose members are US, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.
All 25 entities were previously sanctioned by the United States.
“The TFTC’s coordinated disruption of the financial networks used by the Iranian regime to fund terrorism is a powerful demonstration of Gulf unity,” said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin while on the second leg of his tour of the Middle East focused on terror finance and Iran sanctions. Adding: “The TFTC’s action coincides with my trip to the Middle East, where I am meeting with my counterparts across the region to bolster the fight against terrorist financing.”
TFTC was formed in 2017 during President Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia.
According to the US Treasury, 21 of the sanctioned entities are part of a vast financial network that supports the Basij militia in Iran.
The Treasury explained that in order to hide ownership of these institutions in the auto industry, mines, metals, and banks, Basij had taken various measures including forming shell corporations. Many of these institutions were working in European and Middle Eastern countries.
The statement also says that the four individuals sanctioned had ties to Hezbollah and were in charge of their organization’s affairs in Iraq.