Rouhani: People are not facing problems in their daily lives
The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan Rouhnai, admitted to the pressure of sanctions and the negative economic growth of Iran, but said that the conditions of the country are not in a way that would cause problems for people’s everyday lives and necessities.
Rouhani said on Monday: “We are not in a situation were our nation’s everyday life and necessary needs are facing problems, and our numbers from the Spring and Summer show that employment is on the rise despite the pressures and sanctions.”
Rouhani asked the people to “raise their tolerance” with regard to sanctions so they can get through these difficult conditions.
However, in early November Rouhani had announced that 75 percent of the people are under real pressure.
Rouhani continued: “Their (Americans’) calculation was that these pressures will lead to protests after five, six months, and they would come to the streets and riot.”
He also stated: It’s not reasonable to criticize the government and say “you said such and such in March of 2017 and in March of 2018 your tone is different”, adding: “We made those promises during peacetime, then we entered a war.”
He added: “When we meet with the leaders of big countries, they all say America made a mistake and was unsuccessful. This is what some of the closest friends of the U.S tell us.”
However, earlier this month, Rouhani’s vice president confirmed the impact of sanctions and said: “Even Iran’s closest friends almost don’t dare to buy oil from us.”