14 Iranian Women’s Rights activists call for resignation of Khamenei and transition from the Islamic Republic
Fourteen “civil and women’s rights activists” in Iran released a statement calling for the resignation of the leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, the complete transition from the Islamic Republic, and writing a new constitution.
The women’s rights activists stated that “four decades of this theocracy has erased the rights of half of the country’s population” and called for civil and non-violent measures “against this anti-women regime to completely transition from the Islamic Republic regime and write a new constitution” in which “women’s equal rights and identity and dignity are respected.”
“We 14 civil rights and women’s rights activists are determined to continue our fight until victory through civil and non-violent measures like other pioneers by chanting “no to the Islamic Republic,” the statement reads.
The letter identifies “systemic tyranny and irresponsibility” as the cause of the country’s problems and chaos and called for “the resignation of Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Republic from power, and changing the constitution.”
Calling the Islamic Republic a “gender apartheid” the activists state that “after the Islamic Revolution, most basic human rights were denied from us, Iranian women; and our identity and gender became subjugated by a patriarchal tyranny, and anyone who voiced their opposition was insulted, humiliated, beaten, imprisoned, tortured, and even executed.”
“In a world that in most countries women move side by side with men in science, economy, culture, arts, and politics, under the Islamic Republic women still fight for their basic human rights,” the letter continues.
In the end, the 14 women who all live inside Iran called for their fellow countrymen to join them by saying “No to the Islamic Republic”.