16 Signatories of Letter Calling for Khamenei’s Resignation Arrested in Two Months
The Islamic Republic security forces have so far arrested 16 signatories of the two letters of “14 civil rights activists” and “14 women’s rights activists” calling for Khamenei’s resignation and transition from the Islamic Republic regime by changing the constitution.
Among the signatories of the original “letter of 14 political and civil rights activists calling for Khamenei’s resignation and transition from the Islamic Republic,” 9 activists have been arrested so far. Among the 14 signatories of women’s letter, 8 have been arrested. Hourieh Farajzadeh signed both letters.
Some of these activists are in custody of Mashhad security forces. Sedigheh Malekifard, wife of incarcerated civil rights activist Hashem Khastar said on Sunday that she has visited Mashhad Revolutionary Court but there has been “no cases” filed against any of the arrested activists. Referring to what the officials at the Revolutionary Court had told her, she said the arrested activists have not accepted any of the charges. They are being kept separate, and none have been granted family visitation.
Mashhad Revolutionary Court officials have announced that the “arrest warrants” for these individuals have been extended and “it is not clear” when they will be released.
Mohammad Maleki, 86, a civil rights activist and one of the signatories of the original letter of 14 activists, released a video on Sunday objecting to the arrests of the signatories of these letters, and identified Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Republic as the culprit responsible for the mass arrests and heavy prison sentences of political and civil rights activists.
“I’m telling the regime and Mr. Khamenei to stop. How long will you continue this injustice and tyranny and oppression? How long will you continue this persecution of people, thievery, murder, and corruption? For God sake, stop. Stop this injustice and tyranny,” Maleki says in the video.