Chief of Judiciary: Overthrowing The Regime Is A Delusion
In a meeting with high-level officials of the Judiciary, the chief justice, Sadegh Amoli Larijani, said “overthrowing the regime is a delusion and a crazy dream” that for years “the enemy” has been “trying to achieve without success”.
According to Mizan, the official media of the Judiciary, Larijani said that currently, “the enemy, with all their propaganda and economic arsenal” have entered “an economic and psychological war against the Islamic Republic”
Larijani spent a large portion of the meeting talking about Jamal Khashoggi’s murder which according to him “at first the Saudis tried to cover it with the help of the West” and finally “claimed that this was done by some rogue individual” in order to “exonerate their corrupt regime”.
Ironically, the “rogue individuals” defense was the exact excuse the Islamic Republic used to explain the serial assassinations of Iranian intellectuals in Iran and Europe by the Intelligence ministry in the 1980s and 1990s.