Corona crisis intensifies in northern provinces of Iran
With the corona crisis getting worse in Iran’s northern province of Gilan and Mazandaran, representatives of these provinces asked the government officials to declare red alert and quarantine the two provinces.
Eight representatives from Gilan province wrote a letter on Monday to the speaker of the parliament and the Minister of Health, calling for complete shut down of all government offices and full quarantine of the province.
In Mazandaran, the representative of Behshahr wrote a letter to President Hassan Rouhani, asking him to declare a red alert situation for the province and “complete quarantine”. Representatives of Fars province have had similar requests.
Groups of people in Mazandaran province are taking turns in preventing travelers from entering the province.
According to the reports, the quick rise of the number of patients in these provinces has caused bed shortages in hospitals.
The chairman of the Nursing Organization on Monday in Iran expressed concerns about the shortage of masks and gloves for nurses in the northern provinces.
The Medical Science University of Mazandaran has reported at least 1226 cases of COVID-19 in the province. The Dean of Medical Science University in Golestan province has also reported that over 2103 COVID-19 patients have been hospitalized in the province since the beginning of the crisis.
According to the reports, at least 31 patients have lost their lives in Goolestan and 21 in Mazandaran, but the representatives of these provinces have questioned these numbers.
In Gilan province, it was initially reported that 200 patients have lost their lives to coronavirus, but later it was said that the number is for all the patients with respiratory problems.