EU: Iran’s Missile Program is "Deeply Concerning"
The European Union issued a statement expressing deep concerns about Iran’s increasing missile activities. The statement demands the Islamic Republic stop its ballistic missile program.
According to Reuters, the European Union stated that Iran’s ballistic missile program causes instability and insecurity in the region.
Members of the EU say that Iran is not only trying to increase the range and accuracy of its missiles, but it has increased the number of its tests as well.
In the 2015 UNSC resolution, Iran’s regime was asked to stop testing and developing its ballistic missiles which can carry a nuclear warhead.
The Islamic Republic has said repeatedly that it will not negotiate over its missiles. However, it has been documented that Iran has written “Israel will be destroyed” on some of its missiles in Hebrew.
The Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile program is considered a serious threat to European countries. The statement has been issued right before the Warsaw summit in which Iran’s role in the region and its missile power is one of the main topics of discussion.