Hygienic Products Association Denies Any Price Hike in 2020; Rejects Iran International's Report
Two days after the Iran International report about the astronomical rise of prices, including the price of toothpaste to 5,000,000 rials (approximately $19) the Health and Hyhiene Products Association denied any price hike in 2020.
The chairman of the association told ISNA: “The prices of health and hygiene products have not increased at all this year. We strongly deny the price hike of toothpaste.”
However, when asked about the price of foreign toothpaste, he claimed ignorance. He said the price of domestic toothpaste is around 2,700,000 rials.
He claimed that the reports about the price hike are propaganda to “create fear in public” and said: The 5,000,000 price reported for toothpaste is illogical and the person who has reported it has no responsibility in the association.
Last week, a member of the chamber of commerce, Ali Shariati, said the price of toothpaste has increased astronomically. He told Tejarat News that some foreign toothpaste are sold at 3 to 5 million rials.
Although the chairman of the association denies the reported prices, a quick look at the online retailers confirms that some toothpaste including Sensodyne are sold at 4,960,000 and 3,970,000 rials.
The US dollar surged from 150,000 rials in March to 320,000 rials this week, a more than 60 percent increase. US sanctions have blocked Iran's oil exports, taking away tens of billions of dollars of revenue that keep the government and the economy functioning.
An ordinary wage earner makes less than $100 a month in Iran and even office workers and mid-level managers with better salaries complain of not being able to make ends meet amid an annual inflation rate estimated to between 40-60 percent.