Incarcerated environmental activist Nilufar Bayani speaks of sexual torture
Nilufar Bayani, one of the eight incarcerated Iranian environmental activists who has been sentenced to ten years in prison, has reported horrifying sexual harassment and psychological torture by her interrogators in order to force her to incriminate herself.
According to Bayani, during her arrest, she was taken to a private villa in Lavasan by seven men and was forced to watch their inappropriate sexual acts in the pool. She says she was constantly threatened with rape by her interrogator and at some point, they forced her to make “wild animal noises.”
Kazem Hosseini, the defense attorney of some of the environmental activists told Ensaf News that his client, Sepideh Kashani, another incarcerated activist has suffered the same type of treatment by her interrogators.
Based on her letters from prison, Nilufar Bayani has gone through at least 1200 hours of interrogation by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps interrogators.
According to Hosseini, Nilufar Bayani mentioned some of these incidents of torture in her first trial session, but she was removed from the court and he has not seen her since.
On Tuesday, the spokesperson for the Islamic Republic judiciary announced that the sentences of the incarcerated environmental activists for “espionage” and “acts against national security” has been confirmed in the appeal court.