The Islamic Assembly will decide on the four new ministers next week
In a letter to the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Islamic Republic’s Congress) on Sunday, Hassan Rouhani introduced his choices for four ministries. The assembly will have a session next Saturday for the vote of confidence.
Last night Rouhani accepted the resignations of Mohammad Shariatmadari from the ministry of industries, mining, and trade, and Abbas Akhoundi from the ministry of roads and urban development. In his letter today, he introduced Mohammad Islami for the ministry of roads and urban development, Farhad Dezhpasand for the ministry of economy, Reza Rahmani for the ministry of industries, and Mohammad Shariatmadari for the ministry of jobs.
Asadollah Abbasi, a deputy chairman of the Islamic Assembly told Fars News that the vote of confidence for the new ministers will be decided on next week.
Some fractions have criticized the government for “not consulting in choosing the ministers”, and some have criticized “not consulting the political fractions for the introduction”, but none have taken a position for or against the suggested ministers yet.
Hossain Ali Amiri, Rouhani’s parliamentary deputy said that there are “different channels for introducing people”, and sometimes “many individuals are suggested to the president for a ministry”. He added: “We always consult the representatives from different fractions. If they have any suggestions, they tell us. Some representatives are in constant contact with the president.” He continued that although at the end, “it is the president who decides.”