A month after country-wide protests, arrests of protesters continue
A month after the country-wide protests in Iran and the death of hundreds of protesters, the security forces in at least six provinces including Tehran, Kermanshah, Fars, East Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, and Isfahan continue the arrests of protesters.
The arrested protesters are mostly young and under 35 and includes children. Khorram Abad city prosecutor confirmed that eight children who participated in the protests were arrested in the city and were released a day later on bail.
In the most recent case, Ali Akbar Javidan, the chief of police of Kermanshah province announced that recently, 250 protesters have been identified and arrested in this province.
Javidan referred to the arrested protesters as “agitators” and “rioters” and said they had provoked other youths in the province.
He added that most of the arrested protesters are between 20 and 35 years of age.
Kermanshah province was the scene of heavy clashes between protesters and security forces. Videos show security forces shooting at the protesters from the rooftop of the courthouse in Javanroud city.
However, the arrested protesters have not been charged with participating in the protests. They have received charges such as “mischief, provoking people to riot, destruction of public property, attacking the police and Basij forces, propaganda against the Islamic Republic regime online, and connection to rancorous groups.
In recent days, police officials have reported the arrests of at least 70 protesters in East Azerbaijan province, 145 protesters in Khuzestan province, 41 in Fars province, and a number of protesters in Tehran province.