Protests in Behbahan; Riot police positioned in Tehran, Tabriz, Shiraz, Mashhad
Local sources in Behbahan report that people have come to the streets in protest. The protesters have been chanting against the Islamic Republic, IRGC civilian militia (Basij), and foreign aid to terrorist organizations.
Reports from Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tabriz, and Tehran indicate that anti-riot police and security forces have been positioned in populated areas to prevent gatherings.
The protesters in Behbaban chanted “Mullah’s regime, we don’t want it; Iranians rather die than accept humiliation; No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, I sacrifice my life only for Iran; Basiji, have some shame, leave the country alone” among other chants against the regime.
Local sources say the police and security forces initially surrounded the protesters and then attacked them in order to disperse the crowd. The security forces shot tear gas at the protesters.
In response to the attack by the security forces, the protesters chanted “don’t be afraid, we’re all in this together”.
According to the local sources, despite the attack by the security forces and the police, the protesters continue to stay in the street.