Workers uprising in Shush and Ahvaz
Haft-Tappeh Sugarcane company workers continued their strike and protests for the 13th day. They were chanting “Workers rather die than live in humiliation” and “long live workers, death to tyrants”. According to labor activists in Khuzestan province, the families of the workers had joined them in their protests.
At the same time, Ahvaz Steele company workers also gathered in front of the provincial governor of Khuzestan’s office in protest while chanting: “Forget about Khashoggi, think about us”. There are reports of a heavy police presence with anti-riot forces, but no reports of any arrests yet.
Meanwhile, the governor of Khuzestan province promised to follow up on the workers’ demands.
Today, Yadollah Mehralizadeh, the economic deputy of the governor announced that the issue of Haft-Tappeh workers is being deliberated on by the vice presidents and said: “The government is trying to compensate the workers next week for two months out of the four months that they weren’t paid.”
According to him, “some workers have stopped working and this has impacted the production line because the sugarcanes have to be processed before the expiration date.”
Yesterday, the workers of Haft-Tappeh interrupted the Friday prayer by chanting: “death to the tyrant, long live the workers”, "they talk about Imam Hossein (Third Shia Imam), but they brag about stealing", “our enemy is here, they lie and say it’s America”, and “workers rather die than live in humiliation.”