Third Committee Resolution Criticizes Human Rights Violations in Iran
The Third Committee of the United Nations passed a resolution expressing deep concerns about the high number of executions in Iran and asking the Islamic Republic to stop the arbitrary arrests.
The resolution passed in the human rights committee of the general assembly on Thursday with 85 for, 30 against, and 68 abstentions. The resolution will be put to vote in general assembly next month.
The resolution will also seriously demand the Islamic Republic to end the discrimination against women in their laws and expresses deep concern about restrictions on freedom of thought, religion, and ideology.
Eshagh Al Habib, Islamic Republic’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations rejected the resolution and called it a “political game” and a sign of “dishonesty” of the United States and European countries.
The first draft of the resolution was submitted by Canada against the Islamic Republic.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has the highest rate of executions in the world.