Bashar Assad Meets Khamenei in Tehran
In an unannounced trip to Tehran, Bashar Assad met with Ali Khamenei, the leader of Iran.
Assad’s meeting with the leader and other officials of the Islamic Republic took place on Monday morning, February 25, but no photos or report of the meetings were published until later in the afternoon.
According to Khamenei’s website, the leader of the Islamic Republic said during the meeting: “The Islamic Republic considers helping the government and nation of Syria helping the resistance movement and an honor.” Qasem Soleimani the commander of IRGC’s Qods Force (international operation) was also present in the meeting.
In a separate meeting, Assad also met and talked with President Rouhani. Rouhani once again emphasized the regime’s support of Assad and said: “In the fight against terrorism in Syria, the Islamic Republic has always stood with the government and the people of Syria and has not denied any help.” Javad Zarif who has resigned today was not present at the meeting.
This is Assad’s first visit to Iran after eight years and the beginning of the Syrian uprising which led to a civil war. Iran has spent billions of dollars in financial and military aid to the Assad regime during the civil war.