Foreign Ministry: We Follow the Supreme Leader's "Orders"
In response to the claims made by an Islamic Consultative Assembly member regarding secret negotiations between the governments of the Islamic Republic and the United States, the ministry of foreign affairs issued a statement denying the allegations.
Previously, Javad Karimi Ghoddusi, Mashhad representative, had said that despite the supreme leader’s opposition, “we have credible information that experts from the ministry of foreign affairs are in negotiations with their American counterparts in Oman.
According to him: “Oman has turned into a sanctuary for the Americans and the British to get access to Iran."
The statement issued by the ministry of foreign affairs reads: “attempting contact and negotiation with the United States and negotiations with the Americans in a neighboring country is false and we strongly deny it.”
The statement emphasizes that “all levels of management and experts” within the ministry follow Ayatollah Khamenei’s policies and the ministry shall not take a step further or back from the “orders” of the supreme leader.
The ministry states that any negotiation with the United States government is pointless and claims that the Trump administration is a “lawbreaker and anti-Iran” government.