Khamenei: Macron is either naive or in cahoots with Americans
The leased of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ali Khamenei once again emphasized that there will be no negotiations with the United States because such negotiations will not solve any of Iran’s problems.
In a speech on the anniversary of the hostage crisis in 1979 when Khomeinist university students occupied the American embassy and took its diplomats and employees hostage, Ali Khamenei said: “This logical method shut the door to another infiltration by Americans, proved the true power and status of Iran to the world and destroyed the fake powerful image of the other side.”
“Those who believe negotiations with America will solve all problems are 100 percent wrong,” Khamenei added.
He explained that negotiations with the US will have “no results” for Iran “because they certainly won’t offer us advantages.”
While pointing out the efforts made by some governments to mediate between Iran and the US and the refusal by the Iranian authorities, Khamenei said: “If Iranian officials were naïve and had decided to negotiate, it would not have reduced the pressures and the sanctions, instead it would have opened an official door for Americans to present their demands and expectations.”
Big policy decisions in Iran, including negotiation with the West, are made only by the leader of the regime.
Khamenei also mentioned President Macron’s insistence on mediating between the Islamic Republic and the United States and said: “The president of France claimed all of Iran’s problems will be solved by a meeting with Trump, and I must say this person is either naïve or in cahoots with the Americans.”
“If Iran had negotiated with America, the Americans would have brought up the missiles and would have probably said Iran’s missiles should have 150 km range at best,” the leader of the Islamic Republic said.
He also advised Islamic Republic officials not to wait for foreign governments to solve the problems: “Let go of these expectations. I’m not saying cut off all ties, but do not put your hope in foreigners, put it in Iran.”