Teachers Across Iran Go on Strike Again
Iranian teachers in different cities of Iran went on strike in protest to low wages, the policies of the ministry of education, and the crackdowns by the security forces.
The sit-down has been organized for two days by the teachers’ association, and the teachers were asked to sit in the teachers’ lounges and not to attend their classes.
In their statement, they asked teachers to “use social media to raise awareness about the sit-down and use the breaks to invite your colleagues to join the strike.
This is the second round of strikes by the teachers this year. Teachers also went on strike across the country on October 14 and 15. That strike led to the arrests of several teachers’ union activists in different cities and several were summoned to court or intelligence agencies.
The ministry of education did not respond to the teachers’ strike last time and the minister of education, Mohammad Bathaei refused to talk to the teachers.
Teachers also organized a protest this spring in front of the Budget and Planning organization, which led to several arrests.