U.S Congress Condemns Persecution of Bahais in Iran
Congress issued a statement condemning the oppression of Bahais in Iran and asked the Trump administration to put the names of Iranian human rights violators on the sanction list.
The statement was prepared in a bipartisan effort and approved by the Congress on Wednesday. The United States Congress has asked the American government and other countries to condemn the Islamic Republic’s treatment of Bahais and demanded the release of the prisoners.
The statement demands sanctions against the Islamic Republic be enforced with utmost vigilance until the human rights violations stop.
In recent months, there have been numerous reports of the persecution of Bahais across Iran. In two months over 20 Bahai citizens were arrested in Shiraz, Isfahan, and Karaj.
The Islamic Republic’s constitution does not recognize Bahai religion. Bahais are denied education and even jobs.
Recently, a city council member in Shiraz was arrested for tweeting about the arrest if two Bahais in Shiraz.