Washington Times: Children of Islamic Republic Authorities in America
The Washington Times released a list of children and family members of the Islamic Republic authorities living in the United States and stated that while the Islamic Republic authorities demonize the United States, they send their children to America for a better life. The newspaper stated that living in America is not a right, but a privilege.
On Tuesday, October 16, the Washington Times published a list of individuals related to some of the Islamic Republic authorities. The list includes the children of: Ali Larijani, the speaker of Islamic Consultative Assembly; Hossein Fereidoon, president’s brother and special assistant; Masoumeh Ebtekar, a vice president; and relatives of Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, another vice president.
The Washington Times also refers to Javad Zarif’s education in the United States and suggests that American education has taught Zarif how to hide fundamentalism and fanaticism under a “cover of tolerance and humanity”.
Ali Larijani’s daughter is in her first year of residency in Ohio. The Larijani brothers are in charge of two out of the three branches of government in Iran and are close confidants of the supreme leader.
Issa Hashemi is a Ph.D. student in psychology at Chicago University. His mother, Masoumeh Ebtekar, was one of the hostage takers of American embassy after the revolution. She is now the vice president in women’s affairs.
Ehsan Nobakht is the assistant professor at George Washington, and Nilufar Nobakht teaches at UCLA. They are children of Ali Nobakht, Tehran’s representative in the Islamic Consultative Assembly and nephews of Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, vice president.
Washington times states that the presence of the family members of the Islamic Republic authorities in the United States proves that despite the rhetoric of the Islamic Republic, they know that Americans have created dignity, Freedom, and opportunity in their country.