Germany, Britain, and France: Attack on tankers is a threat to peace
In separate reactions to the attack against the oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz, Germany, Britain, and France called the attack “unacceptable”, “a threat to peace”, and an indication of “Iran’s growing threat”.
Heiko Maas, the foreign minister of Germany, expressed disappointment and concern regarding the attack and called the it “a threat to peace”.
Last week, after meeting with the president of Iran, Maas had warned about rising tensions in the region and said the tension will not benefit anyone. On Thursday, he stated that “these attacks are the exact opposite of what we need in the region right now.”
Jeremy Hunt, the foreign minister of Britain stated that his country has “the same assessment as the U.S regarding Iran’s growing threat” and said that Britain agrees with the United States opinion about Iran being involved in the attacks against the tankers.
The spokesperson for the prime minister of Britain also said the attack on the oil tankers are unacceptable and that Britain is ready to help with the investigation about the incident.
The foreign ministry of France also called for called for calm on all sides said France safety and freedom of transportation is very important for France.