Pompeo: Iran is responsible for the attacks on the oil tankers
U.S Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Iran is responsible for the attack on the two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.
Pompeo told the reporters on Thursday that according to the intelligence gathered, the types of weapons used, and the complexity of the attacks, the United States has concluded that Iran is responsible for these attacks. He said the U.S ambassador to the United Nations has been asked to follow up on the issue.
The U.S ambassador to the United Nations Security Council has asked for an emergency session. The session will be held on Thursday night in New York.
Russia has warned against “rush to judgment” on this incident.
The secretary general of the United Nations has condemned the attack and demanded a fact-finding investigation.
The Islamic Republic officials have denied any involvement in the attacks against the two oil tankers. However, several high-ranking Iranian officials in the past have threatened to not allow any oil pass the Strait of Hormuz if Iran’s oil export is shut down.
An official at the U.S Department of Defense also denied Iran’s claim regarding saving the crew members of the two damaged ships and said it was the American Marines who saved 21 of the crew members.