Rouhani: Extension of Iran’s arms embargo is Blatant violation of JCPOA
In his Wednesday cabinet meeting, President Rouhani said the U.N Security Council passing the extension of Iran’s arms embargo is a blatant violation of the JCPOA.
“We have great hopes that America will fail, but our position is clear, and if such resolution is passed as part of the 2231 resolution, that would mean a blatant violation of JCPOA has occurred and the consequences will rest with its perpetrators,” Rouhani said.
The U.N arms embargo on Iran based on resolution 2231 which was issued as a supportive measure to the nuclear deal will end in September. The U.S is trying to extend the embargo with a new resolution.
According to Reuters, informed diplomats say although the content of the resolution has the chance to be supported by more members of the U.N Security Council, it is still not clear whether it will receive the minimum 9 votes from the 15 members.
The diplomats also say that the U.S will not be able to convince Russia and China not to use their veto power against the resolution.
Rouhani added: “The president of America recently announced that if he is elected, he will immediately negotiate with Iran. If he is telling the truth and wants to resolve the issues, why has he taken all these actions in the past few years against the Iranian people and the region.”
He continued: “If you want to reach an agreement with the nation of Iran, why are you making an effort today to pass a resolution against JCPOA?”