Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on September 19 announced the appointment of Aziz Nasirzadeh as deputy chief of staff of Iran’s Armed Forces.
19 Sep 2021
A group of rights defenders ask the British foreign Secretary Liz Truss to sanction ten Iranians involved in imprisonment of dual nationals, including Nazanin-Ratcliff.
19 Sep 2021
Iran has drastically reduced its gasoline exports in mid-2021 apparently to build up its strategic reserves after it aggressively exported the product in 2020 to generate hard currency.
19 Sep 2021
Iran announced on September 19 that its foreign minister will attend the UN General Assembly and will meet with the remaining members of the JCPOA, but not with US officials.
19 Sep 2021
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A commentary in Kayhan newspaper, which is funded by the Supreme Leader’s office, sees common cause between Iran and the Taliban in resisting US domination.
18 Sep 2021
Despite spending tens of billions of dollars in Syria and Iraq to build influence, the Islamic Repubic of Iran has not been able to reap substantial economic benefits.
18 Sep 2021
The United states announced sanction on September 17 targeting individuals who help the Lebanese Hezbollah in its funding activities and Iran's Revolutionary Guard.
17 Sep 2021